Chivalry 2 ps4
Chivalry 2 ps4

  2. #CHIVALRY 2 PS4 PS4#

Players are thrust into the action of every iconic moment of the era - from clashing swords, to storms of flaming arrows, to sprawling castle sieges and more.


Immersive sound and effects ensure every blow lands with the sickening thud of steel sinking into bone. Chivalry 2 is a multiplayer first person slasher inspired by epic medieval movie battles. Chivalry 2 is a multiplayer first person slasher inspired by epic medieval movie battles. A revamped, faster and more fluid combat system offers an expanded range of creative choices, allowing players to perfect their playstyle. Enhanced player expression brings thousands of hilarious new voice-lines and deep character customization. Follow this guide to find everything you need to earn this shiny platinum trophy.


Los jugadores se ven inmersos en la acción de cada momento icónico de la era, desde el combate de espadas hasta las tormentas de flechas en llamas, los asedios de castillos y mucho más. Welcome to MetaGame's Chivalry 2 PS4 Trophy Guide and Walkthrough In the game you can get a total of 42 trophies and there is a platinum trophy. Are ye a heroic warrior, or a blood-soaked murderer? Keep fighting and gurgling out battlecries even when wounded, bleeding out and missing limbs. Videojuego PS4 Acción Publicado el 8 junio 2021 Chivalry 2 es un multijugador en primera persona inspirado en épicas batallas de películas medievales. Ride to war on horseback and claim glory by your blade. Catapults tear the earth apart as players lay siege to castles, set fire to villages and slaughter filthy peasants in the return of grand Team Objective maps. Players are thrust into the action of every iconic moment of the era - from the thunder of cavalry charges, to storms of flaming arrows, sprawling castle sieges and more.

chivalry 2 ps4

Catapults tear the earth apart Chivalry 2 is a multiplayer first person slasher inspired by epic medieval movie battles. Chivalry II - Steelbook Edition for Sony Playstation 4 PS4 Video Game 13.90. Players are thrust into the action of every iconic moment of the era - from the thunder of cavalry charges, to storms of flaming arrows, sprawling castle sieges and more. Chivalry 2 llegará el 8 de junio a PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One y PC 19:38 Chivalry 2 marca su fecha de lanzamiento para principios de junio.

  • Summary: Chivalry 2 is a multiplayer first person slasher inspired by epic medieval movie battles.

  • Chivalry 2 ps4